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More travel photos

Posted by on 19. August 2011

We got some new equipment in Hong Kong (more later) and we caught up sorting through our photos, only keeping the better ones and uploading them to flickr. We’ve spent quite a couple of nights with the photos and thanks to the Internet connection of our lovely host Sisi in Hong Kong we got most of the stuff up there.

We updated some things around the blog as well. Travel photos have a new tab at the top right of the page with ‚travel pics‘, where you will find more photos than the ones we post in here.

To view photos on flickr, you don’t need a login or anything, just click on one of the links and you’ll get to one of the sets. Hit the slideshow button for a nice full screen view – try F11 if you use Firefox to make your browser go full screen as well! If you do have a flickr account as well, make sure you connect to our profile there to see our photo stream with everything new as well. For now we have a collection with all photos from our trip, the best photos from when we left Germany, good ones from our trip through Eastern Europe and the ‚best of‘ for Russia. Photos from Mongolia and China are coming soon.

By the way: if you add /show to the end of the URLs like you’ll get directly to the slideshows.

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