Tägliches Archiv: 13. September 2011
With Chinese characters, what we know as ‚reading‘ becomes a desperate attempt to recognize graphical shapes. And even after more than a month in China we hardly know enough to identify city names and book train tickets. The Korean writing system on the other hand is the work of a genius. It also has one … Weiterlesen
Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Language, Local culture, South Korea
Schlagwörter: Chinese, Hangeul, Korean, Script
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Photos of our first month in China
05 China part I, a set on Flickr. Better late than never: photos from our trip through China until Hong Kong. Clicking on a photo will bring to that photo on flickr, if you click on the small link 01 China part I underneath will take you to the overview of that set or just … Weiterlesen
Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, >>In English<<, Asia, China, Photos
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