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Photos of our first month in China

Posted by on 13. September 2011
Imperial doorsPreparing for Chinese railsChangeoverNew wheelsLight at the end of the tunnelOur Chinese soldier
First night in ChinaSnake liquorThe Chinese national dishConversationsThe Great WallArriving in Beijing
Hosted by OlivierOlympic park, BeijingAt the Bird's NestNests come in many sizesBird's NestAt the watercube
Olympic Park, BeijingWater CubeOlympic towerView from Olivier's apartment towerMoma towersCycling through Beijing's hutongs

05 China part I, a set on Flickr.

Better late than never: photos from our trip through China until Hong Kong.

Clicking on a photo will bring to that photo on flickr, if you click on the small link 01 China part I underneath will take you to the overview of that set or just click here to start a presentation of the photos right away.

As usual, you can also find them in the drop-down menu “Reisephotos | travel pics” at the top of this blog.

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