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Thank you and all the best for 2012!

Posted by on 2. Januar 2012

We have been traveling for more than seven months in 2011 and have met so many great people. You are what really makes traveling so much fun!

At the beginning of a new year, we also want to say thanks to everyone who is keeping in touch and following us here on our blog. To all of you, our families and new and old friends: we wish everybody all the best for the year 2012!

With some people we could only spend a little time, with some we traveled for weeks, we had dinner with some and went diving with others.

And some of the people we met hosted us in their homes. To those of you who provided a home away from home for us, a very heartfelt and special thank you:

Patricia and Florian, Munich
The Hanzlik family, Prag
Marina and Alexey, Moscow
Tara and Olivier, Beijing and again in Singapore
Season, Hong Kong
Camille and Mark, Shanghai
Chulwoo, Seoul
The Kim family, Seoul
Diana, Seoul
Mike, Manila
Uncle Fred, Sandakan
Sasha, Kuala Lumpur
Sharlene and Shul, Christchurch
Darryl, Pigeon Bay
Naomi and Mark, Wellington
Carolyn and Chris, Gold Coast
Stephanie and Ramon, Sydney
Katherine and Andreas, Melbourne
Connie and Andy, Perth
Hollie and Arran, Singapore

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