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Über uns | about us

We both grew up in the beautiful Oberschwaben, not far from Lake Constance and the borders to Austria and Switzerland. The area is part of the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Since we left the South to study in Berlin we have called various cities in different countries ‚home‘. In 2011 we both quit our jobs to realise this great dream of traveling the world. After getting married we packed up and left. ‚Home is where the backpack is‘ was our motto during the trip. We came a long way as you can see here and were trying to keep family and friends updated on our journey with this blog. Since November 2012 we are back in Germany. Click on the links to read more about Mario’s past jobs in internet and marketing or Julia’s research on therapies for MS or send us a message to find out more about our future plans.

It's getting late

Get in touch – a message to Julia and Mario
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