Tagged With: Lake Baringo
Favourite Shot
Fishermen showing off their catch. Lake Baringo, Kenya
Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, >>In English<<, Africa, Favourite Shots, Kenya
Schlagwörter: fishing, Lake Baringo
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At home in Kenya
Our initial plan was to travel overland all the way from Ethiopia to South Africa. We thought we would find a way somehow. But our plans got stopped in the tracks when we researched ways of getting from Ethiopia to Kenya overland. The border region around Moyale is notoriously troublesome, especially the Kenyan side, and … Weiterlesen »
Kategorien: >>In English<<, Africa, Encounters, Kenya, Wildlife
Schlagwörter: Addis Ababa, crocodile, flamingo, hippo, Home, Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, Nairobi, national museum
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