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Tagged With: Manila

Walk and eat

While we were still in Coron, chilling out in a resort on a little island, we received an email from Mike. He had found us through the couchsurfing website and asked whether we wanted to meet for lunch in Manila on our last day in the Philippines. We’re always keen to meet locals, so we … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Encounters, Food, Philippines | Schlagwörter: , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Stations #33

Superferry port, Manila

Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, >>In English<<, Asia, Philippines, Stations | Schlagwörter: , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Stations #30

Ninoy Aquino Airport, Manila

Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, >>In English<<, Asia, Philippines, Photos, Stations | Schlagwörter: , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Life is hard on the Philippines

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Philippines, Photos | Schlagwörter: , | Schreib einen Kommentar