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441km from Moscow

Posted by on 7. Juni 2011

20110607-161711.jpg McDonalds has generously supported our travels so far, by providing free wifi internet, comfortable seating and clean toilets in every city – and you don’t even have to buy anything :-)

Upon arrival in Nizhny Novgorod though, our first stop on the transsiberian journey 441km east of Moscow, we have to realize that this might be a luxury we can’t always expect. There is still McDonald’s here next to big Lenin statues, but no wifi… One of the few and certainly unexpected places with wifi are some of the trams that slowly make their shaky way up and down the steep hills of Nizhny.

For future reference: No worries if you don’t hear from us so regularly, it’s probably just because technology didn’t make it as far into Siberia as we did…

Along with the wifi hotspots, people who we share a language with have long disappeared, but we’ll tell you another time about how we (hopefully) still manage to get from нишний новгород to казан.


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