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Steiner binoculars

Posted by on 3. November 2011

Not much of the content of our backpacks has been introduced yet (only the netbook), though we already learned a lot on this trip about what is needed and what isn’t. We tried to only pack the most essential things into our backpacks (with the help of the German world travel web site There are still some items that get used less than others and the binoculars are used rather less. But when we are in the wilder, remote corners of this planet, they are really valuable.

In the jungle of Borneo they helped us to spot monkeys, primates, snakes and birds. They are a pleasure to use, help you focus on one thing and get you closer to the wildlife without disturbing it. Borneo wasn’t the first country we were glad to have taken them. In Russia they served as opera glass to magnify the ballet dancers in St Petersburgs Mariinsky Theatre. Already in Mongolia, where we used them to observe eagles, horses and camels, they were admired by the local horse guide.

These are STEINER binoculars (made in Germany) and they were a present for Julia’s birthday from her mum just before we left. They are a perfect addition to our equipment. After all, we travel far to see things, and the binoculars help to see them better.

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