Favourite Shot
Cliff jumping – the hobby of the fearless local kids at Tad Lo waterfall, Southern Laos
Tauchen, Essen, Schlafen
Einer unserer lang gepflegten Träume war für mehrere Tage von Bord eines Bootes in der Andamansee zum Tauchen zu gehen, um die angeblich besten Tauchreviere Thailands zu erkunden und vielleicht sogar ein paar Mantarochen zu sehen. Nach einiger Recherche war klar, dass es zwar viele Anbieter, aber in der Hochsaison auch viele Kunden gibt. Am … Weiterlesen
Thailand’s Islands
The wooden keel of the longtail boat hits the sand and we jump off into knee-deep crystal clear water. The boatman hands us our backpack and barefoot we make our way through the fine white sands of Pattaya Bay. The guides direct us to a little shack on the beachfront. It turns out to be … Weiterlesen
Diving right in – The Great Barrier Reef welcomed us to Australia
After having squeezed all the camping gear through the check-in at Auckland airport we had a great flight with Air New Zealand across the Tasman Sea. And while going down towards Cairns we could finally get a first glimpse of it: the biggest coral reef in the world. The Great Barrier Reef is a system … Weiterlesen
A diver’s dream
Ever since I saw Sipadan in a dive book in Boracay I wanted to get there. And after the new diver got hooked by the underwater world it wasn’t too difficult to convince her to go to Sipadan and look for the swirling Barracudas. And it happened on our very first dive at Sipadan, about … Weiterlesen
Die versenkte japanische Flotte von Coron
Am Morgen des 24. September 1944 starten 24 „Helldiver“ Bomber der US Navy eskortiert von 96 „Hellcat“ Kampfflugzeugen von der USS Lexington aus in Richtung der Inselgruppe Calamian. Sie vermuten dort das Versteck einer der größten Nachschubflotten der Japaner im zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Bomber finden und versenken insgesamt 12 japanische Schiffe, darunter Frachter, Öltanker, U-Boot-Jäger … Weiterlesen
The new diver
Mario did his scuba diving training during our vacation in Zanzibar two years ago. Every time since, when he got back from a dive all enthusiastic and excited, I’ve been tempted to join him for these underwater adventures. But being slightly claustrophobic, it took me until now that the temptation outweighed the irrational fears I … Weiterlesen
Keeping our heads down
Typhoon Nesat (called Pedring here) has hit the Philippines yesterday, as you might have heard from international news.
Eye in eye with the sharks
Busan has a great aquarium with a main tank of three million litres of water and about 20 sharks from five different species. Every one of them has dozens of razor sharp teeth that get grown anew every ten days. Sounds like you want to jump into the pool? That’s what I thought as well. … Weiterlesen