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Tej, Teff und Tona

Wenn man die runden Flaschen sieht, denkt man (oder vielleicht auch nur ich) eher an ein Labor als ein Restaurant. Die Glasgefäße werden verwendet um das traditionelle Getränk Tej zu servieren. Tej ist eine Art Honigwein, und ist nicht kommerziell erhältlich, sondern wird ausschließlich hausgemacht. Die Alkoholkonzentration variiert daher stark und das süsslich gelbe Gebräu … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, Africa, Ethiopia, Food, Local culture, Travel tips | Schlagwörter: , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Motorcycle Diaries – The Bolaven Plateau

As explained in our last post, walking off the beaten path can be a dangerous undertaking in Laos, there is a real chance to stumble upon an unexploded bomb from the Vietnam war. Nevertheless, we did venture off the beaten path in Southern Laos – though we stuck to roads, even if they were rough … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Food, Laos, Local culture, Other, Planning | Schlagwörter: , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Time for Lime

Many tasty dishes have paved our way up to here. If I had to list my five favorite culinary discoveries so far it would be Korean Bulgogi just for the taste, spicy hotpot in Sichuan/China because it’s great food and entertainment at the same time, the caramelized bananas sold everywhere in the Philippines because I … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, China, Food, Philippines, Thailand, Travel tips | Schlagwörter: , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

The king of all fruits

He is admired for his uniqueness, loved for his aphrodisiac qualities and hated for his intrusiveness. His spiky appearance and unique odors got him banned from subways and hotels across Asia but built his street credibility at the same time. He is known as the king of fruits in Malaysia, a culinary enfant terrible and … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Food, Local culture, Malaysia | Schlagwörter: , , | 2 Kommentare

Einmal Nasi Goreng mit Michael Jackson

Früher kannte ich Nasi Goreng nur als Fertiggericht aus der Uncle Ben’s Werbung. Seit wir das erste Mal in Malaysia Essen waren, weiss ich nun aber, dass Nasi Goreng eines der malaiischen Nationalgerichte ist. Nasi heisst Reis, goreng heisst gebraten. Mit was der Reis gebraten ist, kommt drauf an was man sich bestellt: Nasi Goreng … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>Auf Deutsch<<, Asia, Food, Malaysia | Schlagwörter: , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar


The border crossing from Singapore into Malaysia by bus had been quite straightforward, and as soon as we got off the bus in Malacca we had a strange sense of familiarity. The Malay words on the signs (not that we understand that many of them but still), the smell of the food, but also the … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Food, History, Malaysia | Schlagwörter: , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

BBQ Nation

Not sure if we love more them because they are free, or because it is so cool to go to the park with some raw meat and cook it on the public BBQs you find pretty much anywhere in the beautiful Australian nature. In the beginning we couldn’t quite believe

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Australia, Food, Local culture, Oceania, Planning, Travel tips | Schlagwörter: , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Walk and eat

While we were still in Coron, chilling out in a resort on a little island, we received an email from Mike. He had found us through the couchsurfing website and asked whether we wanted to meet for lunch in Manila on our last day in the Philippines. We’re always keen to meet locals, so we … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Encounters, Food, Philippines | Schlagwörter: , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Immersed in local flavors

You can always explore cities on your own, but if you have some locals by your side, it’s a different story. Here in Seoul, we got three times lucky. First, we found via a young businessman named Chulwoo, that hosted us for our first night in Seoul in his luxury apartment, in the most … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Food, History, Local culture, South Korea, Travel tips | Schlagwörter: , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Of dumplings and hotpots

Six weeks in China have been quite a culinary experience. We weren’t adventurous enough to try things like turtle soup, grilled snakes or skewered scorpions, but we certainly tried a huge variety of Chinese food as we travelled across various provinces – it was amazing how different the flavours were in each area. So, here … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, China, Food | Schlagwörter: , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Pancakes Hong Kong Style

Sonntagsfrühstück mit (von Julia) selbstgemachten Pfannkuchen und dragon fruit.

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, China, Food | Schlagwörter: | Schreib einen Kommentar

Horchog, horses and hot springs or 2 weeks in the Mongolian countryside

Do you want to pay for an overpriced package tour or hire a cheap driver that doesn’t understand a single word of English? Well, together with the two Nicos from France, that we had met on the train, we formed our own group and finally opted for the latter. Bogie (how the friendly lady from … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Encounters, Food, History, Local culture, Mongolia, Other, Planning, Travel tips | Schlagwörter: , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Today’s special: mutton

After a 2000km loop through Mongolia, we got a good taste of the local food. In Ulanbaatar, you can find all sorts of „Western“ foods, but leave the city behind for the beautiful countryside and you get to know real Mongolian food. So let us take you on a short culinary tour… The majority of … Weiterlesen »

Kategorien: >>In English<<, Asia, Food, Local culture, Mongolia | Schlagwörter: , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar